ADC SWEET Movie for audio-visual production, co-production, development and conultancy services in film industry has been established in 1982 by Antonia D. Carnerud who has been working in film industry in Sweden ⁄ Scandinavia for more than 25 years. She has also worked in the same field in France, Belgium and Croatia since mid-seventies.
For the time being ADC Sweet Movie is developing several film projects together with Swedish and Croatian partners, thus being responsible of research, location scouting and local agreements. The company has a strong interest in and a fair knowledge of the South East European region, thus aiming to became a solid link between the Swedish independent film sector and the rest of the European film industry.
Since its start, ADC Sweet Movie is successfully participating at the Cannes Film Market, MIPCOM and MIP-TV, Karlovy Vary Industry Market as well as at the EFM - European Film Market in Berlin.
Antonia D Carnerud has been working in the film industry in Sweden, France, Belgium and Croatia for more than 30 years. She is active as independent producer,film director, film editor, consultant et cetera. From 1999 to the end of 2002 she was the manager of MEDIA Desk Sweden, the Swedish office of the EU’s MEDIA Programme.
Antonia produced and directed mostly documentary films for theatrical release and TV, such as documentaries Never to Return..?, We Were Young Yugoslavs, Dubrovnik - Walls of Our Past and award winning short fiction Memento. Her films were screened at many festivals around the world, e.g. Gothenburg, Leipzig, Lisbon, Marseille, Zagreb, Ismailia, Munchen, Paris, Clermont-Ferrand, Toronto, Seattle and Albany/New York.
Antonia has managerial experience including carrying out negotiations and acquisitions (of rights) as well as advisory experience in co-production matters on European level. Since 2003 she is doing expert work for EU’s MEDIA Programme in Brussels and consultancy for Swedish and Croatian audio-visual companies.
She has been involved in teaching, lecturing and tutoring at a number of film schools and universities such as the College of Graphic Design in Stockholm, the University College of Film, Radio, TV and Theatre, Dramatiska Institutet – DI, Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión in Cuba as well as at the Norske Filmskolen in Lillehammer, Norway, at the University of Bergen, Norway and at the Academy of Dramatic Art (ADU), University of Zagreb.
She is equally organizing continuous training courses and workshops for film professionals in the field of management, such as “The Art of Pitching and Packaging: Presentation of Projects in European/ International perspective” and Development & presentation of film projects “The Market of Ideas”.
Antonia was trained as photographer at the School of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia, and she later studied at the Academy of Theatre, Film and Television – ADU, in Zagreb, at the University of Toulouse-Le Mirail, France, and at INSAS – Institut National Supérieur des Arts du Spéctacle et Techniques de Diffusion, a film school in Brussels, Belgium. In 1993 she participated at the EAVE Programme (Les Entrepreneurs de l'Audiovisuel Européen) and obtained The European Post Graduate Certificate in Audiovisual Production.
She is a member of, among other associations, the Swedish Film Academy, Independent Filmmakers Association (Sweden), The Swedish Union for Theatre, Artists and Media and The Croatian Film Directors’ Guild.
Antonia D. Carnerud was born in Zagreb, Croatia, but from 1980 she has been a resident of Sweden, thus at present sharing her life between Stockholm and Zagreb.
ADC Sweet Movie
Pontonjärgatan 1
SE – 11222 Stockholm